#PivotStories Episode 01 w/ Nikki Nixon, Sales Tech & ABM Expert

Listen Up people: cold calling is NOT dead nor is it going anywhere. I'm so sick of these wanna-be sales people writing all this garbage about how cold calling is dead. Frankly its because they have no idea what sales is all about. Yes, I'm going to say it: especially in silicon valley. You have […]
So I just did a sales for start ups event with a few Angelpad companies including: Pipedrive, which is a simple way for a company to manage its sales pipeline. Wishery, wants to improve customer service, sales and marketing with its Gmail add-on. And also our 500 Start Ups friends at LaunchRock, who allows you […]
Wow. It’s about 4:56pm on this San Francisco day…at some point over the last hour I heard folks in my SOMA office mentioning that Steve Jobs just passed away…so I did what we do now days and checked my Twitter..and well, sure enough it was true. I then saw a tweet from someone referring to […]
So today marks the 212th day since I moved to San Francisco to build Feedgen. Its definitely been a long financial and emotional rollercoaster. Its been a crazy few days. Aslam and I are both having issues with our apartments and Cass is sick with a fever yet still writing code somehow. Its funny how […]
I was listening to one of these motivation speaker guys the other day and the thesis behind his talk was trying to figure out the “Why” in what you do as a business person. And well, it led me to take a step back and analyze why the hell I was doing what I am […]
I was a participant in the Spring 2011 Angelpad class, which happened to be the 2nd class conducted since the program was founded summer of 2010. My view on the program was perhaps a tad different from some of the other founders. I was about to be 30 years old and had spent my entire […]
The @mopub team is awesome. I believe this is the next big thing on the horizon. Great leadership and talent coupled with a fun environment (check out their facebook page -- do I see Mopub promo models?!) is a winning story. Now I must admit that I am pretty close to the management team. I’ve […]
Great sales people are not only hard workers, yet are students of their craft. They are always prepared and understand the process of selling. They focus on understanding why people/teams/companies buy things; and as silly as it sounds, a lot of the time it's about simply ASKING and then listening. Over time you will be […]
Cold Calling skills are essential when your goal is to be a top sales person. We live in a digital age where people consider themselves "salespeople" just because they studied business in college or responded to inbound leads provided by marketing. It is fair to say that technology has evolved the sales process and online […]
I have recently been chatting alot with Jim Payne CEO of an awesome new start up called MoPub, which is focused on optimizing the way the world views mobile monetization. MoPub is a mobile ads serving platform, built by app developers for app developers. It's pretty sweet; the thesis behind MoPub is to help publishers […]