New #StartupsUnedited Series: Leadership with Brian Ross

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SAN FRANCISCO, CA ( — “Leadership” fans, rejoice: Sotoventures is launching a new #StartupUnedited series titled Leader with Brian Ross. The series is focused on helping inspire great leadership.

I spend some time with Brian discussing the details of the show and asked him a few questions.

Check out the interview below:

Jorge: What’s your professional background and how did you get into sales and leadership?

Brian: Wow, well back in high school I sold newspaper subscriptions door-to-door, so I was exposed to the sales game very early. While in college I realized that I wanted to become entrepreneur. That's when I learned about the Southwestern Company and enrolled to sell books door-to-door every summer for the duration of my collegiate career.

For the next 10 years, I had the tremendous opportunity to recruit, hire and train tens of thousands of college students for a summer internship teaching sales and leadership. We taught each other how to launch and run small businesses, understand how to sell, and most importantly the power of influence.

Learning the fundamentals of ordering, inventory, sales, accounting, presentation and delivery of products were all aspect of a business that we learned within a short period of time. It was the best of times. We all learned skills that were directly transferable to any business and sales environment.

Over the course my career I learned how important the "culture of teamwork and support" really is. Today I run an insurance agency that thrives and grows using all the success and leadership principles that we have been fortunate to have been exposed to. I’m both old school and new school.

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Jorge: Ok B.Ross, I know I have asked you this a few times this week but what is leadership?

Brian: In my humble opinion; leadership is always building yourself, cultivating relationships with people along the way and following through on what you say you’re going to do.

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Jorge: Who are the top leaders you have ever met?


Dan Moore – President, Southwestern Advantage; Nashville, TN

Howard Lewis – CEO, founder – Family Heritage Life; Cleveland OH

Lori Bush – CEO – Rodan + Fields Dermatologists; San Francisco CA

Hillary Clinton – presidential candidate 2016

Grey Line

Jorge: What do great leaders do?

Brian: Leadership is timeless and we need to have fun working together. Great leaders build people and those people build great companies.

Grey Line

Jorge: What is your new series Leadership by Brian Ross all about?

Brian: I’m someone stepping into their prime professional and who truly values relationships and also knows the power of smart communication. This series is all about sharing what it looks like to incorporate key life and success principals in way that will drive the development of great leadership skills.